
About Us


The Church

  • The church exists to glorify God.
  • The church exists to serve people.
  • The church exists to tell others about God.
  • The church exists to provide believers with community.
  • The church exists to help people become more like Jesus in their thoughts, feelings and actions.

KotwicaOur Goal

Bring people to Jesus and into membership in His family, develop them to maturity in the likeness of Christ, and equip them for service in the church and in the mission of life in the world, so that God's Name may be exalted.

KotwicaOur Vision

  • We desire that our church be a place where the suffering and the lost can find love, acceptance, help, forgiveness, guidance and encouragement.
  • We desire to help the people of Rzeszów and the surrounding area to experience a right relationship with God.
  • We desire that people achieve spiritual maturity through the study of the Holy Scriptures.
  • We desire to equip every believer for meaningful service, helping them discover the gifts and talents God has given them.

KotwicaFrequently Asked Questions 

We realize that your first visit to our church might raise a few questions!

You will find some helpful information below!

The first person to welcome you as you walk in the door will be happy to answer your questions and show you where to hang your coat, or drink something refreshing.

During the service, in a group of several dozen people, you will be able to praise God through singing and listen to a practical sermon that will help you in your everyday struggles. We desire that what you receive on Sunday will help you find the hope and help God offers to each of us.

How to find us?

Our meeting place is in Rzeszów, at Aleja J. Piłsudskiego 11 (1st level upstairs). We meet for a service every Sunday at 10.00 am and for a Bible Study every Wednesday at 6.00 pm. An English language Bible study takes place on Sundays at 1.30 pm.

How to dress?

More important than how you dress, we want you to feel comfortable with us! Dress the way you like, and you will certainly fit in comfortably with everyone else

Can I bring my kids?

Of course!

What can I expect at church?

Our services are held in a festive, joyful atmosphere and are not based on a rigid liturgy. Usually they last about 1.5 hours. The regular elements of the service include:

  • Worship: joyfully worshiping God through both modern and traditional songs.
  • Testimonies: anyone who would like to may come to the front and share with the rest of the community what God has done in his or her life, share a passage of God's Word that interested him or her in a special way, or tell about his or her internal experiences.
  • Sermon: an inspirational consideration of the Scriptures; through this time, people can be led into a close, personal relationship with Christ and become His mature followers.
  • Prayer: in both corporate and individual spontaneous prayers we express to God our thankfulness and love for Him, we ask Him for forgiveness for all our transgressions, and we entrust to Him our desires and cares.

It is customary for us to commemorate the Lord's Supper every first Sunday of the month. It is an important and solemn part of the service where all believers can experience the spiritual presence of Christ and the unity of the Church in a special way. We practice communion with two elements—bread and wine—in memory of the suffering of Jesus Christ, which he bore in our place and for our sake on the cross.

After the service, we invite everyone to an informal meeting over coffee, tea, and cake, a time to establish and deepen relationships with one another.

Kościół Chrześcijan Baptystów - Al. Piłsudskiego 11, 35-074 Rzeszów

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Kościół Chrześcijan Baptystów

w Rzeszowie